Anime RPG Links
Resource Sites
nifty page has lots of info and material for Teenagers From Outer Space,
as well as info on various homebrew and commercial anime-style RPGs,
plus an assortment of links. On the other hand, it hasn't been updated
since 1998.
- Anime
& RPG Outpost: This is the main page for anime RPGs in Brazil.
Of course, that means it's in Portugese. If you still want to look at
it without knowing the language, you can use the
Lycos Translation page; enter the URL (
and it'll spit out a rough, but mostly readable translation of the page
in English.
- The Anime RPG
Shrine: The new version of this site now has all of Rob Pool's
various anime-related RPG stuff, including reviews of anime-related
RPGs, a guide to what systems are suited to what anime, his Battlemaster
High campaign setting, game material for BESM, Thrash, ans a little
Shadowrun and World of Darkness, AND F.A.R.P.S., Free Anime RolePlaying
Game Resources
- Den
of the Green Dragon: Amongst other things, this site has stuff
on Dragonball Z in both GURPS and Fuzion, and Bubblegum Crising in the
Alternity system.
- Masamune
Shirow Conversions For Cyberpunk 2020

- Meta-Earth: A collection
of all sorts of stuff, not the least of which is a collection of material
for Mekton Z, and an adaptation of Battle Angel Alita for GURPS and
Record of the Lodoss War for Fuzion.
- MECHA.COM: A collection
of resources for the ubiquitous mecha RPGs out there, including Mekton
Z and Heavy Gear.
- The Page of Generators:
This page contains a large collection of onlie random generator programs,
including anime attacks, mecha, mecha storylines, and so forth.
- Sanctuary
of the Mind: This site currently has a BESM Character archive,
but the creator has plans for material for Fuzion, World of Darkness,
and Thrash.

Anime RPG Links
Anime RPG Guide
Professional RPGs
Homebrew RPGs
Video Game RPGs
Other RPGs
Big Eyes, Small Mouth
BESM Sourcebooks
BESM Links
Magical World